Monday, February 16, 2009

No Blog Is Perhaps a Better Blog

I've thought about it, maybe too much. In the end, I'm done blogging for now. For the three of you who look at my blog...thanks!

Maybe months from now I'll post again...and if I do, I'll let you know. For now...I'm signing off.


Lisa Smith said...

I, for one, think you have a gift. I loved your post "Why Blog" maybe you should revisit it LOL

I will miss updates of your Noah and your heart. I love you, Angie Love. Don't be a stranger.

Julie said...

Please let me know if you blog again! I totally understand, but enjoy reading about your family (and your thoughts), too. So please keep in touch even if it isn't via blogger!

Jennie said...

I've enjoyed reading your blog. Let me know when you start again. And remember, even when you do start again, you do it the way YOU want to do it! Don't try to win the "bloggy" award by always having the best, newest, most up to date stuff or by posting every day. Just do YOUR thing! I will miss hearing about you guys and Noah, so come back soon!

blog_meg said...

I miss you already!